
My Favourite Ways to Create Indoor Spaces Outdoors With My Family

I recently came across the Nationwide Supplies campaign to create indoor spaces outdoors and I instantly got very excited. I am always looking for ways to maximize our space so that the whole family can get the most out of it, and I also love a DIY challenge, so this was the perfect campaign for me. Here are some of my favourite ideas for creating indoor spaces outdoors with my family.

One of the first things I consider is paving the entire garden to make it more accessible and easier to clean and maintain. Yorkshire paving is an amazing option to ensure that even your floors become a wow factor in your home.

Outdoor hosting space

Every Summer seems to be longer and hotter than the last, so I have found I am hosting BBQs more and more frequently for all of our family and friends. Nationwide Supplies suggested in their recent campaign that you could use your outdoor space as a makeshift bar for when you are entertaining, and I was instantly drawn in by the idea. Another idea that I love, is to have the food stored in your outdoor structure, so that it gets a little bit of shelter and then you have more space for the actual entertaining and people can just nip off to top up their plates when they want to.

Garden cinema

I am always looking for ways to keep the kids entertained, especially over the Summer holidays when there are more hours in the day and they might start to get restless without their usual routine. When I saw the idea of creating a garden cinema I instantly fell in love. A garden cinema can be done to suit whichever budget you need, is going to create some core memories for your kids that will give them amazing nostalgia feelings for years to come, and is also a fantastic way to keep everybody in the family occupied together for a couple of hours at a time.

A space of your own

Of course, as much as I love creating opportunities for my family to enjoy our outdoor space together, I also love the idea of creating my own little room outdoors. I am always happier when I am outside, so it would be great to have my own space to get to relax away from the house, to protect my sanity on days I feel overwhelmed. Nationwide Supplies suggests using this space as somewhere to indulge in your favourite hobby, or even make your very own reading nook, which I think is an amazing idea!
Have you seen the Nationwide Supplies campaign to help you create fantastic indoor spaces outdoors? Which idea is your favourite?

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