5 Challenges That Self Employed Mums Face #SmallBizSupport

How To Nurture Your Child’s Curiosity

Curiosity is what keeps us going, what helps us reach new heights, and allows us to explore many different parts of ourselves. It’s how we can write creatively, pick up a wonderful story, or make our own. It’s also how we can make new friendships, build confidence and find out how we can work with other new and emerging faces in their lives.

Curiosity should always be encouraged, even when we are adults. Many private schools in Harrow will ensure their students explore their inquisitiveness, and you should too. So with that in mind, here are some key ways to help your child with their curiosity development.

5 Challenges That Self Employed Mums Face #SmallBizSupport

Allow children to make their own decisions

Not every decision can be left to your child, but the smaller, less important decisions should be left to your child so that they can figure out things for themselves. This helps them come up with creative answers – some of the responses your child can give might be a little far-fetched, but it’s still good practice for them. Be proud of them for making these decisions, as it can be an important milestone for their bravery.

Make their home environment fun

Fun environments encourage more creativity, naturally. If you can, make time for play and activities to be held at home. Build a space that makes them feel like they can pick up whatever they like from the home to help them with their creative side. Another good thing to consider is what forms of play they enjoy the most. If they love water play, or heading out into the garden, facilitate that with accessible toys and play time spent outdoors.

Make time for unstructured play

This is a form of playtime where your child has no end goals. They can do whatever they like and have fun with the toys and other items that make them smile. If they suggest something by themselves, even better! This helps your child with their confidence and their uncanny ability to make fun out of lots of different scenarios.

Be proud of all your child does

From those silly decisions that turned out to be fun, to learning something new from a child’s perspective, you should try to show how appreciative you are of your child’s learning journey. Being inquisitive is how children pick up a lot of important skills, which is why you should always try to make them feel happy with their progress.

It’s actually very important to teach your child to be curious about everything in the world. There can be a lot to learn about the world, and having an inquisitive mind helps with almost every aspect of their learning.

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